How do I contact Klarna?
You can reach Klarna’s Customer Service team by phone at (888) 518-2771 betw...
Will these glasses help me to pass the Ishihara or other traditional color blind tests?
Wearing any tinted or colored lenses is not permitted while taking color bli...
Is it OK to take the new EnChroma Color Blind Test while wearing EnChroma glasses? What can I expect to see?
Most color blind people who take the new color blind test while wearing EnCh...
What if I take the new EnChroma Color Blind test while wearing non-EnChroma tinted lenses?
Other products on the market might help on the test, but none use EnChroma’s...
Why am I still scoring zero on one of my cones when I wear EnChroma glasses while taking the test?
If you score 0% on one of your cones both with and without the glasses, the ...
Is it okay for my non-defective cone score to go down while wearing EnChroma glasses?
Sometimes, in addition to seeing increased scores for their defective cone, ...